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Shipping Policy

Our store is committed to fast delivery of products worldwide to provide you with the most complete range of products.

We offer free shipping on all consumer and professional orders of $50* or more!

Your order will be delivered to the address you entered when placing your order on the Site. Make sure to enter the correct address. If the address you entered is incorrect, please contact us.

Which countries do we ship to?

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, many countries with confirmed cases around 100 have experienced different degrees of flight reduction, and international flights are tense, resulting in longer transportation times, as follows; Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Denmark, Australia, Korea, Iran, Japan, Malaysia, USA, Canada, Australia. For delays, it depends on the local airline company. Delayed shipping time may take 7-15 days

Why isn't my tracking number updated online?
Since we work with overseas fulfillment centers, please allow 4-7 days for your tracking number to be updated in their system after receiving your shipment confirmation email.
Rest assured, your order has actually shipped once your tracking number has been sent to you. Some tracking numbers may show that your order was not found or is still in Asia even though it is on its way to you, this is because Asia is one of the largest international postal hubs and it may take time to update their tracking systems.

How long does shipping take?
We source our inventory from the US, Europe and Asia. In order to keep our inventory affordable, fresh and up to date with the latest styles, we maintain a centralized fulfillment center in Asia from which all our products are shipped. As our fulfillment centers are located overseas, please allow up to 1-3 weeks for shipping, or 3-4 weeks if the order is an international order.
Please note that items ordered together may not ship on the same day, and sometimes items may be temporarily out of stock or on back order. Rest assured, any shipping delays will be informed.

Lost Stolen or Undelivered Packages.
Please note that we are not responsible for lost, stolen or undelivered packages. All lost, stolen or returned packages are the buyer's responsibility. In the rare event that the carrier fails, please contact your local carrier directly with any questions or concerns.

Orders with incorrect address information.
Once your order has been submitted, it cannot be modified. Any package returned due to an incorrect or incorrect address will be re-shipped by the purchaser at the purchaser's expense. Fast! Take a look or two to double check that your address is correct. Although we check all orders very carefully before shipping, we cannot be held responsible for incorrect information such as credit card entries or addresses. Please double check your order before submitting it!

How long does it take to process an order?
After you place an order. We will pack and ship according to your order information in time. From when you place your order to when the package ships. This cycle is about 1-3 days.